Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Scared to death of dying

A real human skull. That's what one of my classmates brought to show and tell and school when I was about 9 years old. It was the most terrifying day of my life. We had to pass the skull around, so everyone could look at it. I sat there, pale, sweating, and just very very scared. That evening, my teacher called my mother to ask whether I'd had some kind of traumatic experience.

I haven't. For some reason, ever since I found out that humans are not immortal, I think about death and dying almost every day. As a little girl, it used to keep me up for many a night.

Now, I'm able to push the thought of not excisting anymore aside. But it still makes me sit up straight in bed in the middle of the night sometimes.

"Someday. There will be. No more me."

It's not something I discuss with others too often. Not because it's a taboo subject, but because I don't want to scare the rest of you.


  1. I owned a real human skull a few years ago. It looked rather silly actually, a few teeth were missing and the lower jaw was gone.
    Death never scared me, it's part of a process and one of the few certainties in life. Not knowing how i'm leaving this life bothers me more. So it's not death itself, it's the dying part that's bothering me just like it's bothering you. But i think discussions about life and, even more, death are fun and interesting. I'm always curious about other people's viewpoints regarding the big Why's in this life. And i seriously doubt it if you could scare me with your deeper insights. :-P Best way to defeat Death is to laugh in it's face and tell him to bugger off. :-)

  2. Maybe reading can give some consolation.
    >I don't want to scare the rest of you.
    But we want to be scared! More! More!
